If the patient is unable to pay cost-sharing responsibilities in full on or before services are provided because the patient qualifies as medically indigent, or is not covered by health insurance, upon request, the surgery center, at its sole discretion, may offer financial assistance in the form of a discount on the amount due and/or offer a payment plan. The patient must contact the surgery center at least five days before the date of service to confirm this procedure applies to them.
If the balance is due from the patient/patient guarantor after services are rendered. Holiday Surgery Center, LLC standard collection procedure is to produce and send one or more bills to patients for their cost-sharing amounts, which if not paid on a timely basis, may then be placed with an attorney or collection agency to pursue such unpaid amounts. If accounts are placed with an attorney and/or collection agency, the costs charged by the attorney and/or collection agency will be passed onto the patient to pay, and the patients' credit score may be negatively impacted.
Purpose: To inform prospective patients of the surgery center's policies regarding financial assistance, the application process, payments plans, discounts, charity care and collections procedures.
Policy: Patients may contact Holiday Surgery Center, LLC directly to determine whether they qualified for financial assistance.
Procedure: If a patient has health insurance/coverage that may cover some or all of the services provided, the surgery center may initiate contact with the third-party organization to determine patient cost-sharing responsibilities. The patient may contact his or her insurance company directly for additional information concerning cost-sharing responsibilities. If the surgery center determines the patient has cost-sharing responsibilities for the surgery center's bill, the patient will be required to pay cost-sharing responsibilities in full on or before services are provided.
If the patient is unable to pay cost-sharing responsibilities in full on or before services are provided because the patient qualifies as medically indigent, or is not covered by health insurance, upon request, the surgery center, at its sole discretion, may offer financial assistance in the form of a discount on the amount due and/or offer a payment plan. The patient must contact the surgery center at least five days before the date of service to confirm this procedure applies to them.
If the balance is due from the patient/patient guarantor after services are rendered. Holiday Surgery Center, LLC standard collection procedure is to produce and send one or more bills to patients for their cost-sharing amounts, which if not paid on a timely basis, may then be placed with an attorney or collection agency to pursue such unpaid amounts. If accounts are placed with an attorney and/or collection agency, the costs charged by the attorney and/or collection agency will be passed onto the patient to pay, and the patients' credit score may be negatively impacted.